Ljiljana Stojković
Ljiljana Stojković was born in Yugoslavia and she spent the first thirty years of her life there. She studied at the University of Belgrade, and graduated with the degree of Master of Education, specialising in educational psychology. She worked as a researcher in that field at the Institute of Educational Research in Belgrade, and she continued her research first in Oslo and than in London, always in pursuit of her PhD thesis.
However, she stopped her research career when for family reasons she moved from England to Holland in the early 90’s and decided to seek new ways to express herself.
Since 1997 she paints actively with a desire to established her own style of visual expression. The recurrent theme of her work is people: their characters and emotions, in portraits, as well as in icons.
In 2003 she started with icon painting following and combining elements from two traditional styles of iconography: Russian style (taught by Piet van der Ploeg, icon painter) and Greek-Cretian style (taught by Jan Verdonk, icon painter and theologian).
She is married and has two adopted children, Bojan and Ksenija. Ljiljana lives and paints in Noordwijk.
She has exhibited her work many times in exhibitions in different places in Holland.
“As a theologian I specialised in Byzantine church history. In 1991 I met Neoklis Kolliopoulos who worked by the guidelines of the Cretan school. I received my education in his studio in Athens. Now I am teacher myself, and i remind faithful – very faithful to the Cretan style.”
Jan Verdonk
“With his inquisitive spirit he always experimenting with paint, searching for new possibilities.”
Daniel Tavenier